The creation of Dassault’s brand new Falcon 5X marks many firsts for the company, including innovative accomplishments in both performance and design. The impressive feats of the Falcon 5X not only increase passenger comfort and accessibility, but also allow pilots to improve efficiency with a decreased workload.


Bright Cabin

The Falcon 5X‘s three zone cabin is large in many ways. At 6 feet 6 inches, it is the tallest cabin in business aviation. The cabin is also wider than in previous Falcons, at an impressive 8.5 feet wide. The 28 windows on the jet are the largest on any Falcon and allow substantial natural light to fill the interior.

Areas for privacy and business meetings make the 5X’s cabin functional for all uses. Glass dividers help to separate living spaces but also allow continuous light to flow throughout. A fully stocked galley is both luxurious and sizable, and includes a skylight.


A unique cabin air filtration and circulation system completely refreshes cabin air in just 2 minutes. Additionally, at an altitude of 41,000 feet, cabin altitude remains at just 3,900 feet to ensure passengers feel as refreshed and comfortable as possible during long flights. Dassault’s convenient iPhone app also allows travelers to control interior lighting, volume levels, and entertainment options from their seat.

Design and Performance

Brand new wings create enhanced performance during both high and low speeds. The winglets and curved trailing edge on the wing are both advanced and unique to Falcon, allowing for ultimate efficiency. The Falcon 5X also has the ability to use runways of less than 4,000 feet, meaning it can access more airports and airfields than competing large jets.


The Falcon 5X has a top speed of .90 Mach and can reach altitudes above the Jetstream. With a long range of 5,200nm, the 5X can fly from Los Angeles to London City, New York to Sao Paulo, or Shanghai to Sydney nonstop. Brand new Silvercrest engines create 11,450 pounds of thrust and have low fuel consumption.

Flight Deck

Within the intuitive flight deck, pilots will find a bigger and more comfortable work space. Four 30% larger cockpit windows provide pilots with excellent visibility in all directions while the crew seats are larger, more comfortable, and offer maximum legroom.


An advanced Digital Flight Control System helps to decrease workload for pilots. Unlike most aircraft that require frequent adjustments inflight, the 5X automatically trims the aircraft so that no pilot action is needed. Additionally, the flight deck comes standard with the most advanced fly-by-wire system, head-up display, and a new generation EASy digital cockpit provided by Honeywell.

The first flight for the Falcon 5X is expected before the end of 2017, with entry into service expected in 2020.

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