2019 is almost here, and with that, will bring a great amount of new and interesting things for aviation. Here are a few to keep an eye out for in this new year.
Technology- Technology is one of the fastest changing things on the planet. Everyday there seems like there is something new for us. Aviation is no different, finding new ways of getting technology on board is key. Hybrid/ Electric powered private jets. Lightening speed inflight wifi/satellite systems and drone features are just a few we will see shortly.
Space Flight– Come 2019, Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic will be hosting tourist flights along with Boeing and SpaceX. There will be amble chances to explore the foreign realm of outer space for a lucky select few.
Jets– 2019 will bring a flock of new jets and supersonic travel in particular. Boom Technology Inc, which is based in Colorado, is aiming to cut the travel time of transcontinental trips in half, and is hoping to start flying a test aircraft late next year.
Interested in learning more about private travel and the many new and exciting things happening in aviation. Contact your Magellan Jets Aviation Consultant today, or click below to receive a quote for your next trip.