With so many options available for private travel, it might be overwhelming to pinpoint which investment matches your business and lifestyle best. If you have ever considered a jet card as an option for your private travel, you might be on the right track. Jet membership offers some of the best flexibility in the private aviation industry and as Business Jet Traveler points out, the benefits are quite clear. Let’s review!

  1. Minimal Commitment

What’s better than owning your own private jet? How about not locking millions of your hard earned dollars into one investment? With a private jet card, you can truly get the best of both worlds – the luxury experiences without the daunting commitment, expensive maintenance, and ownership hassle that come with owning your own jet.

  1. Ready When You Are

Many would say a jet card is the most flexible of necessities. It’s there when you need it, ready to use, and able to mold to your travel needs whether it be cross country or from LA to Paris. With the time-challenging travel schedules that today’s entrepreneurs and executives operate on, the jet card is a versatile requirement for many.

  1. As Custom As They Come

Sick of airline food? With all of the regular inconveniences of commercial flights (delays, long lines, weather restrictions), it is pretty unbelievable that they can’t even get the food right! With your customizable jet card, you’ll never go without your favorite eats or car of choice from the FBO. To add to that, Magellan Jets’ Build-A-Card program offers you the ability to customize your card depending on your priorities. It also offers you some unbelievable perks and complementary add-ons. Whether it be a discount on fuel charges or complimentary French dishes, jet cards can often be designed to meet your specific needs.

Jet cards have the ability to give you what you want when you want it – not something you can say about every avenue you’ve invested in. Don’t catch yourself in a pickle with the bustle of last minute travel arranging. Spare yourself the headache with a jet card that requires minimal commitment, offers your perks and adaptability, and presents your favorite preferences without having to ask twice.
For more information on what Magellan Jets can offer for your next personal or business trip, consider customizing your jet card. Call us today at 877-550-JETS or visit us at www.magellanjets.com