Researching jet cards lately? Investigating the web for the best program provider, looking into what each company has to offer, and finding yourself overwhelmed with information? There are several leading companies that offer jet card programs, and like any investment, you want to do your homework before chosing the right one for you.

David Wyndham, President of Conklin & de Decker, has combined the 7 most essential questions everyone should ask when researching jet cards. This whitepaper will be your #1 resource when finding the program that fits YOUR needs!

  • Are there blackout dates?
  • Is there a fuel surcharge?
  • Does my jet card guarantee Wi-Fi? {{cta(‘e99e5f4c-fbc7-409a-be83-7a44baa827c8’)}}

About Conklin & de Decker The mission of Conklin & de Decker is to furnish the general aviation industry with objective and impartial information in the form of professionally developed and supported products and services, which enables customers to make more informed decisions when dealing with the purchase and operation of aircraft.