This year, the United States Department of Transportation reported that travel during the Thanksgiving week will increase by 54% compared to the rest of the year. The weeks of Christmas and New Years will see an increase of 23%. With these sizable increases it’s important to have aviation professionals working with you proactively to create a seamless and memorable holiday travel experience.
Graph Provided by Avinode
With FAA certified pilots making up our Flight Support Department, you can be assured that a watchful and detail oriented eye is watching over your flight. The 42+ checkpoint that is done on each and every flight was built in order to obstruct possible issues before they arrive. Additionally, the airports frequented around the holidays tend to be off the beat and path of typical flight activity. Mountainous, high altitude, short, and tricky airport use is certainly increased over this time frame and making sure that you have a well qualified, trained and experienced flight crew is paramount. Once your holiday flight is confirmed, your Flight Support Team Member goes to work and collects this information so that you don’t have to! They will check everything from how much experience the crew has, how many hours in the aircraft you’re flying, medical history, insurance etc. Once the safety checks and certifications meet our Magellan Jets Preferred Network Standards, they begin working on the experience factor of the flight. Their mission is not to just move you from point A to point B, but for you and your family’s experience to begin as soon as you board the jet. With detailed customer profiles on each of our passengers, we instill a different type of travel experience.
Whether you are part of the membership, or an on-demand client, you will be pleased with your choice to let us arrange your holiday travel. Membership certainly has its privileges during holiday travel as members never pay repositioning time for their aircraft, have guaranteed availability on late model aircraft, and preferred access to the MJPN.
If you would like to speak to Private Aviation Consultant today you can simply to click to schedule an appointment that is convenient for you. Otherwise, choose the instant quotes button to secure your holiday travel early.