That’s Simple. Jet cards provide aircraft owners access to an aircraft when theirs is not available. It is a cost effective way to bridge the gap between travel when necessary. Jet cards are an easy way to pre-purchase charter flights at a locked in price. This gives private jet owners a quick, cost effective solution when an issue arises with their jet.

So why would private jet owners need a jet card? Below are a few situations that may require private jet owners to use a card:
1) Aircraft is down for maintenance.
2) Aircraft occupied by family, friends or business associates when an unexpected trip arises.
3) Aircraft being refurbished.
4) Adding new accessories to the jet (example: wifi).
5) Avoid repositioning on some flights –dispatching your empty airplane to pick up customers to bring back to your facility.
6) Access to different size jet– owner receives a mission that falls out of range of capability for current aircraft
7) Company growth has now dictated that more people have access to owner’s private jet, travel can be more readily available via jet card fixed pricing
Robert Herjavec, one of America’s most recognizable business leaders, owns a Bombardier Challenger 604 plus two Magellan Jets Charter Cards. Herjavec said “Any problem that you have in life that can be solved with money is really not that big. The only thing in life that we have that we cannot get back is time. I always think that the aircraft is the ultimate time machine.”
Purchasing a jet card offers owners peace of mind!
