Finally, the FAA has instituted a policy that simplifies the process for operators, confirming that a written request asking for the data to be blocked will be sufficient. The FAA notice spells out the exact information that must be included in the request, such as the aircraft registration number and the requestor’s contact information. Two years ago, the US Congress passed legislation that would allow operators to restrict access to aircraft “N” numbers. The new FAA policy puts the legislation into play. Dan Hubbard – Senior Vice President of Communications – NBAA stated “NBAA has long maintained there are real concerns involved in such tracking, with regard to corporate competitiveness, personal security and privacy — none of which should have to be surrendered just because someone boards his or her own airplane,” The association is “satisfied” with the FAA’s final policy. NBAA also had asked the FAA to allow the association to collect the opt-out requests and submit them en masse to the FAA, but the FAA declined that request. Please see the policy below.