Gulfstream announced yesterday that their newest Super-Midsizes offering, the G280, had received it’s type certification in the U.S. and Israel. The paves the way for them to begin full-scale production of the new jet.
The last step in the process, the certification of the the Rockwell Collins custom software for the new PlaneView280 flight deck, cleared the way for a full type certificate issuance.
Larry Flynn, Gulfstream’s president said, “Gulfstream is excited to bring this aircraft to its customers, especially since we’re able to provide an airplane that does more than we originally announced.” The range of the final design bested the original plans by 200 nm at Mach 0.80, bringin the new range to 3,600 nm. This allows trips like London-New York to be completed without a fuel stop.
Gulfstream plans to deliver their first production model before the end of the year to a corporate jet customer. They’re also looking forward to the full certification of their new wide-cabin Gulfstream G650 by the end of September.