Less than 24 hours ago, Kanye West joined Twitter and already has over 200,000 followers. Kanye definitely knows one thing and that is rolling in style. In a recent series of tweets and pictures, Kanye talks about a private jet he boarded yesterday evening. But, whats up with the “BABYMAMAJET”? Check out the series of tweets:
- hold on…. I’m bout to hop on this #BABYMAMAJET the jets Billionaires give to they baby mamas or they 1rst 2nd or 3rd wife
- Man this jet small as **** Don C!!!!
- Hold on… let me see if I can get a pic of this small *** jet!!!
- man when you take BABYMAMAJETS there’s no stuartist
Somebody needs to tell Kanye to start flying on “SUPERDADDYJETS”, like the Global Express or BBJ. Jaunted.com was quick to make fun of Kanye’s misspelling and slang terms in his tweets claiming college dropout or not, Kanye should still know how to spell “stewardess” (even though the correct terminology is “flight attendant”). Be sure to follow Kanye @kanyewest and don’t forget to follow Magellan Jets @FlyMagellanJets.