Boston based Magellan Jets – a national leader in jet memberships and charter – has announced it will be the Presenting Sponsor at this summer’s Antiques & Design Show of Nantucket from July 31 – August 3, annually produced by the Nantucket Historical Association and attended by over 2,000 design enthusiasts.
The Antiques & Design Show of Nantucket is a benefit for the Nantucket Historical Association, as a way to celebrate the synergy between antiques and design. The show is one of the most esteemed exhibitions on the east coast, attracting distinguished collectors and antique enthusiasts alike.
For Magellan Jets, this is a way to acknowledge and thank the company’s many private jet members who consider Nantucket a special place with a rich history, exceptional beauty and serenity.
As the main sponsor, Magellan Jets will host VIP events on Tuesday through Thursday including a designer luncheon, to be held at the Great Harbor Yacht Club on Wednesday, July 29th, featuring renowned designer and purveyor of all things bespoke and sophisticated, Katie Ridder. Other events include a champagne reception and an opening night party, that will offer an opportunity to meet distinguished members of the design and antique industry as well as prominent dealers.
Magellan Jets is thrilled and proud to be a sponsor of this event. “As one of America’s best private aviation companies, we appreciate the opportunity to associate our brand with the Nantucket Historical Association, an organization that has done a magnificent job of preserving and presenting the wonderful history and traditions that make Nantucket a first class destination,” says Magellan Jets CEO Joshua Hebert.
Magellan Jets’ involvement in this event is a way for the company to show its gratitude to the community. “And,” Mr. Hebert adds, “just in case any of our members need a safe way to bring back their purchases, we have many luxurious, and comfortable options.”
For more information on the Antiques & Design Show click here.