A recent poll ranked the high cost of fuel among the American people’s three biggest concerns (along with the economy and high unemployment rates). This statistic is a case of history repeating itself as all five economic downturns since 1973 were either results of or corresponded with a spike in energy costs. Consumers have been pointing fingers when confronted with the fact that fuel prices are at an all-time high.

What people fail to understand is that more often than not, oil companies don’t set crude-oil prices; the global market does. Essentially, the market decides what people are willing to pay at a certain moment in time. This can ultimately be attributed to the fact that countries like India and China are growing, which has created more demand for oil and gas. Despite efforts to “go green” in the United States, there has not been any reduction in energy use. The United States has 4% of the world’s population, but we consume 25% of the world’s oil. This lesson in supply and demand has directly affected the cost of air travel causing fliers to battle with fluctuating ticket prices.
Popular U.S. carries, including Delta, US Airways and American have increased their ticket prices in order to compensate. Prices have been increased 20% or more, which is frustrating consumers across the nation. Today’s outrageous fuel costs have led many once-avid travelers to avoid flying altogether. This does not have to be the solution! Rather than gambling on the fuel markets and uncertainty of the costs of commercial travel, people are recognizing the value found in private jet travel.
Magellan Jets see this opportunity and invites you to capitalize on the Magellan Jets 25 Hour Card – 12 months, no fuel surcharge, guaranteed. Lock in your fixed hourly rate now and be assured that for the next 12 months you will never pay extra for fuel, regardless of any changes in its price. Even with oil prices now sharply on the rise over the next year, know that when you fly privately on the 25 Hour Getaway Card you shield yourself from the extra risk of cultural and economic shifts in our changing world. Experience private travel simplified. Experience Magellan Jets.