The 2012 Beijing Auto Show may very well be considered the Olympic Games for the global automotive industry. It is where top automotive manufactures go every year to showcase their latest masterpiece. Every sport, and every industry, has their elites who take home gold metals and win distinctive recognition year after year. Rolls Royce is a legend in the luxury car realm and has been highly regarded since the company’s infancy. Per the Rolls Royce standard, they did not disappoint in Beijing this year as they continue to advance their already perfect Ghost model. How do you perfect perfection? By taking innovation to the next level and doing the impossible. Rolls Royce unveiled their new design concept in Beijing called the Ghost Six Senses model to much intrigue by the 2012 auto show attendees. Still on the drawing board, the Ghost Six Senses sedan is designed to “ignite the senses” long before the driver ignites the V12 engine.
The human body is only equipped with five sense which is why Rolls Royce is designing a car to enable its driver to experience the “sixth sense”. Academically defined as “a supposed faculty giving intuitive or extrasensory knowledge” the sixth sense is the ideal name for a deserving vehicle designed to highlight the human body’s natural senses. Sight, sound, taste, smell and feel all interact with the luxury sedan as it wisps its occupants along in unsurpassed style, luxury and safety. From a cool box in the rear to chill champagne, to the trunk lined with lamb’s wool to coddle its contents, the Ghost Six Senses will be designed with no shortage of innovation from bumper to bumper.