It’s that time again; the World Cup is set to “kick-off” next month in Brazil! Held just once every four years, the World Cup is a major tournament of stunning atmosphere, excitement and anticipation. This summer’s event will put Brazil in the spotlight and it will stay through the World Cup and the Olympics to follow in 2016.
While Brazil is preparing themselves for the big event, fans should be doing the same when it comes to private jet travel to the World Cup. More than half a million soccer fans are planning to descend on the host country to enjoy the festivities and according to Aviation International News, close to 11 percent of those fans will arrive via private charters. With the foreshadowing of overcrowded airports, many host cities airports will be subject to a slot system for the duration of the tournament. Magellan Jets has already seen an increase of requests for private flights to the World Cup. Our number one tip would be to book early!
Here are a few other issues & tips to keep in mind if you plan to charter a private jet to Brazil for the World Cup.
- Book your jet to the World Cup early
- Primary airports for the World Cup will have closures during the tournaments. (expect airports to be closed one hour prior to a match and three to four hours after the beginning of each game)
- Check itineraries to make sure you are not traveling during restricted times. Magellan Jets will keep you up to date if additional operating restrictions come into place.
- Brazil is the 5th largest country in the world. With matches taking place in 12 different cities, let Magellan Jets customize helicopter or private jet charter transfers between cities in Brazil.
Interested in booking a private jet to the World Cup? Contact an aircraft consultant today! {{cta(‘8e19e89f-9fe1-4dd5-9ce9-e0a0a5ab8691’)}}
Click HERE to view our 2014 World Cup Deluxe Package! The package includes round trip charter flight, accommodations, reserved tickets to your choice of FIFA World Cup Match and much more!