Veterans Day is not one of those “Hallmark” holidays created to force us to buy expensive chocolates & ridiculous amounts of balloons, but an official day for us to say “Thank You” to those who have served our country! Outside our office this morning they held a Veterans Day parade to honor our vets. Different U.S. armed forces marched down the street holding our nation’s flag proudly in the air. I was standing next to an older gentleman who was contently watching as the first group of military men & women came near. You could tell immediately this day was very close to his heart. As they approached us I watched him stand a little straighter and raise his hand proudly to salute them as they walked by, not moving an inch until each one had passed. It was such a cool moment to witness on this very patriotic day. I smiled as I stared at him and quickly snapped a photo.
After the parade, I sat down at my desk and decided to do a little research about the holiday. Here are a few facts I collected about Veterans Day:

  • Why November 11th? Well because on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month a treaty was signed to end hostilities in what we now call World War I.
  • Back in 1918 the treaty that was signed actually ended the “Great War” because back then no one was planning on there being a sequel.
  • The day was first referred to as “Armistice Day” until 1954 when President Eisenhower changed the holiday to Veterans Day.
  • According to the Census Bureau there are more than 21 million veterans in the U.S.
  • 1.8 million are veterans of World War II

There might be official days set aside to honor and remember those who serve in our armed forces, but there is nothing wrong with doing it every day.
So, to all the Veterans out there, Magellan Jets thanks you!!