Nothing adds to the holiday hassle for private flyers quite like peak days. Fractional ownership can be a convenient way to fly, at times, but its drawbacks are never more apparent than around the holidays.

During these heavily in-demand times of year, fractional ownership can become a challenge (sure, some other private aviation business models, too), even a burden, due to the necessity of sharing the aircraft with other owners who are also trying to fly to visit family, take a vacation, or enjoy a getaway. Having to consider other needs for the aircraft can make travel a hassle during the holidays, when stress levels are already at a high.

All of this is due to the fact that with most approaches to private aviation, travelers run into the inevitable peak days–to say nothing of their even darker sibling, blackout dates. Peak days are aptly named for the fact that the demand for travel peaks around these periods; while not everyone takes a family birthday trip in mid-March, for example, everyone does want to fly to see family around major holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and others.

Thus, as they attempt to joyfully prepare for cheery holiday gatherings and reunions, many private travelers are smacked with staggering peak day surcharges, if their aircraft is even available to fly at all–blackout dates come into the picture when the aviation provider is unable to provide any flight time whatsoever on certain highly in-demand dates.

The Magellan Jets Difference: No Peak Day Surcharges, No Blackout Dates

Private travel is prized and highly valued because it makes life easier–not more complicated. You can get where you need to go and get there faster (and more productively) than you could on a commercial flight.

For example, did you know that (according to the NBAA Business Aviation Fact Book), business aviation reaches 10 times the number of U.S. airports than airlines do? Or that business flights account for just 4 percent of the total traffic at the busiest airports used by commercial airlines?

It’s clear that private travel is the optimal way too fly for both business executives and those that use private aviation to stay connected to their families far and wide. But if you’re going to have to factor for peak day surcharges or blackout dates just when you need the aircraft most, it becomes less and less convenient.

At Magellan Jets, peak days and blackout dates are rarely an issue. Elevate Membership at Magellan Jets features all-inclusive pricing, no hidden charges for peak day travel, no blackout dates, and even the ability to interchange aircraft without any additional cost.

What matters in our eyes is getting our members where they need to go, whenever they need to go there–even and especially during the busiest times of year. Unlike other providers, Magellan Jets doesn’t force its customers to have to deal with unexpected groundings or an inability to travel just when they need it most.

Just like you, we value efficiency, productivity, and dedicating quality time to what truly matters most: family. Because of this, we do not charge peak day surcharges, period.

Investing in private travel should improve your life and help you to be more connected even around the holidays, and that’s why here at Magellan Jets, we encourage you to travel and make lifetime memories during the most sentimental and personal times of year.

Magellan Jets customers have come to expect the consistent, reliable, top-tier service that has made us successful, and that is what we promise to deliver 365 days per year.

To hear more about the membership at Magellan Jets, call 877-550-5387 to inquire today.