Donald Trump may be running for President. He may not be. We really don’t know right now, but we do know that he recently bought a larger 757 for his private jet travel. Late last year, Trump paid approximately $100 million to take Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s jet off his hands. While the price is considered extremely high for a used 757, it is believed that this specific model comes with all kinds of bells and whistles, ranging from a state-of-the-art entertainment system to the most advance flight avionics.
“I bought a great airplane,” Trump said. “It’s being retrofitted and will be in service in about a month.” While few details are known about what is being done to the newly acquired aircraft, many believe it will be adorned with the lavish gold plated features which are currently featured on the 727 Trump has been trying to sell since 2009. Additionally, the plane could very well be painted in Trump’s typical all-black scheme with gold “TRUMP” in billboard across the side.
Unknown though, is the intended use of the new 757. Nearly every presidential candidate in recent years has leased one, as the plane boasts impressive size (to accommodate press and campaign staff), quick speed (for multiple campaign stops each day) and key performance (to take off and land at smaller airports that are far apart). As the prime campaign aircraft, could this be a key indicator that Trump has decided to run for the Republican presidential nomination? Only time will tell, but right now, we know that Donald Trump has the hottest new private jet out there.
Original story via Palm Beach Post.