This year’s World Economic Forum takes place from January 23rd to January 26th in Davos, Switzerland. Committed to improving the state of the world, the Economic Forum brings together leaders from various backgrounds and walks of life to influence positive change.

Established in 1971, the World Economic Forum strives to engage the top political, business, and society leaders to help shape global, regional, and industry agendas. This year’s key areas of focus center around the digital revolution, global consensus problems, and global security.

1. Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Building on the Third Revolution that used electronics and information technology to automate production, the Fourth Industrial Revolution focuses on the digital revolution that has been in motion for several decades. Evolving at an exponential pace, the digital revolution will have a large influence of change in almost every industry in every country. Furthermore, this digital influence will transform entire systems of production, management, and governance. This year, the Forum will address how these changes affect our lives, impact future generations, and how they are reshaping economic, social, and cultural contexts.

2. Solving the Problems of the Global Commons

With rising challenges that require global consensus, that same consensus is growing increasingly more difficult to achieve. This year’s Forum will tackle global problems that require consensus with new models of public and private cooperation as well as the application of breakthrough science and technology solutions.

3. Addressing Global Security Issues

In the past several years, global security has been an ongoing issue that proves challenging to solve on a global level. With extreme issues such as violent terrorism and extremism, the refugee crisis, geostrategic competition, and more, the Forum will work to develop strategies for leaders to use in response to the changing security landscape.

Providing a unique space for global ideas to flourish, the 2018 World Economic Forum will bring new solutions for ongoing global issues in hopes of making a difference in the world. For more information on the 2018 World Economic Forum, click below.

World Economic Forum