The Virgin Islands Daily News, the largest publication in the U.S. Virgin Islands, has featured the new partnership between premier private aviation provider Magellan Jets and Blue Sky Luxury Travels�highlighting Blue Sky owner Shanna Dickerson’s excitement at collaborating with Magellan to offer safe, personalized, and purely private luxury air travel to guests seeking to enjoy their breathtaking properties in the Caribbean and beyond.
Blue Sky has spent the past decade empowering travelers to plan their tailored, unique dream vacations, offering access to an impressive catalog of unforgettable destinations and experiences�including private islands, luxurious villas, and sleek yacht charters. Their focus on every detail of the customer’s experience makes Blue Sky a great match for Magellan Jets�the aviation solutions provider is committed to guests’ health, happiness and safety, and to providing consistent, reliable and excellent service with each and every flight.
The V.I. Daily News explores Blue Sky and Dickerson’s story, as well as why she chose to work with Magellan. Here’s an excerpt from the piece:
New for Blue Sky in 2021 is the addition of a partnership with Magellan Jets to offer private air travel to and from the luxury accommodations Blue Sky offers.
“I love their safety ratings. That’s hugely important to me,” said Dickerson. “Their staff is incredible and their three owners are great. Everything fell into place with this company, and it came at the perfect time because with COVID-19, more of my clients are interested in private air travel. So again, COVID-19 has been another pivot that has expanded my business.”
For more information about the partnership between Blue Sky Luxury Travels and Magellan Jets, click here�and to read the rest of the Virgin Islands Daily News feature, including how Dickerson grew Blue Sky Luxury Travels into a global multimillion dollar business, click below.