Advanced Booking Days:
Cabin Category

2025 Advanced Booking Days

Magellan Jets’ Category Jet Card and Explorer Membership customers have 365-day access to travel. For 40 specific days known as “Advanced Booking Days” (ABDs), we require additional advanced reservation notice due to high demand. Magellan Jets’ Category Jet Card requires 120 hours (5 days) advanced reservation notice with no premium charge on these dates. The Explorer Membership requires 120 hours (5 days) advanced reservation notice with 15% premium charge on these dates.

*Special events are indicated by an asterisk (*) on certain calendar days. There are 6 major special events in 2025 including the Super Bowl, The Masters, The Kentucky Derby, F1 Miami, F1 Austin and F1 Las Vegas.  During these days the following applies:

Due to heavier traffic volume, please expect potential arrival or departure delays to allow Air Traffic Control to safely route and balance traffic.

Airports within 100 nautical miles of event locations are subject to our Advanced Booking Day terms for the days immediately preceding and following such an event (i.e. for The Masters, any trip to the Augusta area between Friday and Monday has Advanced Booking Day terms).  These days require 240 hours advanced reservation notice.   Less notice will incur a premium service fee.

An event fee will be added for flights arriving/departing from applicable airports, determined at time of booking.