The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially declared a global health emergency over the new coronavirus strain. As 2019-nCoV continues to claim lives and spread across the globe, commercial and private jet passengers are understandably worried. If you plan on traveling amid the outbreak, keep these coronavirus tips in mind to stay healthy while flying.
Tip #1: Remember to wash your hands
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends several procedures for curbing coronavirus infections. At the top of the list of coronavirus tips is washing your hands. It may sound obvious, but this simple action is one of the most powerful tools for illness prevention. The CDC says that people should wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When soap and water aren’t available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol.
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Tip #2: Don’t touch your face
Another recommendation from the CDC’s list of coronavirus tips is to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth if you haven’t washed your hands. Who knows what germs are hiding on surfaces–especially in airports-so try not to touch your face. The CDC now recommends that everyone wear a cloth face mask in public.
Tip #3: Watch out for contact with sick people
It goes without saying that you should avoid contact with sick people. The new coronavirus strain is being passed person-to-person, so it’s essential that you don’t touch infected individuals. If you fly commercial, the risk of exposure is worrisome since nearly 3 million people fly in and out of U.S. airports each day. Consider booking a private jet charter instead, as the use of private terminals and fixed based operators (FBO) will reduce the amount of people you encounter while flying. As we adjust to this new normal, always be sure to practice proper social distancing.
Tip #4: Drink up and stay hydrated
A nice glass of wine is fine on a flight, but you might want to opt for water instead. Drinking enough water is extremely important because dehydration can make people more susceptible to catching viruses. Additionally, commercial flights tend to keep their cabins at a lower humidity, creating dry conditions that bacteria and viruses thrive in. If you’re worried about a commercial cabin’s environment, you may want to fly private as an alternative. Private jets allow you to control the humidity, creating optimal conditions to stave off viruses.
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Tip #5: Upgrade to skip the stress
Flying is already stressful, and the coronavirus outbreak isn’t helping. If you have concerns about catching something while waiting in line to board, you might want to get an upgrade for priority seating. You can also take things a step further by opting for a private jet flight. In addition to reducing the amount of people you interact with, you also get the peace of mind of being able to know exactly where your pilots and attendants have last flown. Being able to kick back without having to worry about the health of your fellow passengers should take away the stress from your next big trip. Don’t forget these coronavirus tips when making your travel plans this season.
Learn more about booking a private jet flight with Magellan Jets.