In episode 8 of From the Cockpit, the Magellan Jets podcast, Chief Operating Officer Todd Weeber provides an update on the coronavirus situation and its impact on aviation. In particular, he breaks down all the best practices you need to know for safe summer travel. Also, learn how you can explore the world safely with Magellan Jets in the coming months. Click the link below to listen to the full episode.


In the latest episode of From the Cockpit, Magellan Jets COO Todd Weeber provides a coronavirus travel update. Overall, Weeber is proud of the Magellan Jets team for providing essential travel solutions for those in need during this crisis.

“From our perspective, though the country and the world as a whole are facing some serious challenges, it’s very gratifying to be part of a team that can contribute to making solutions and provide some bright spots amongst the darkness,” Weeber says.

As states begin to ease restrictions and life adjusts to this new normal, Magellan Jets has monitored the situation in order to provide safe travel for our clients. Specifically, Magellan Jets is looking at the rate of transmission of the disease through the Rt metric in order to determine proper safety protocols for trips.

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“It’s important that we track that because the last thing we want is for a business trip or a personal trip to be interrupted by an unforeseen quarantine situation at best, or an infection situation at worst,” Weeber explains.

The Magellan Jets executive goes on to explain how people can travel safely this summer. In particular, Weeber recommends people continue following CDC guidelines over face masks, covering coughs, as well as other official instructions.

Safe Summer Travel

Although Weeber encourages everyone to continue following guidelines and remaining vigilant, he does caution against overreacting to the situation. There’s no need to use overly harsh chemicals to fight the coronavirus during travel, as standard cleaning will get the job done.

“If due care is taken between flights on aircrafts to wipe down every surface with a standard cleaner, you’re going to defeat the virus,” Weeber says. “We’ve seen a overreaction to cleaning protocols so strong that some operators and airlines, unfortunately, have gone to the extent of coating their aircraft interiors with chemicals so harsh, that they’re not FDA approved for use in places where food is served, which is unfortunate because food is served on almost every aircraft.”

Unfortunately, this zeal to combat the virus is creating potentially hazardous environments. Weeber hopes people remain calm and informed, so that they can stay safe.

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“If you wind up on an airplane that looks like it’s not clean, there’s a wrapper left behind, an expire magazine, it probably hasn’t been cleaned appropriately,” says Weeber. “If you get on an airplane and it smells like a hospital, it’s probably been over-cleaned and you should wait until it airs out a little bit before you go somewhere.”

Additionally, Weeber discusses how states are approaching reopening their economies amidst the coronavirus crisis, and how this is creating a rush of demand for travel this summer.

“If you just look ahead to June and July, by July, most economies in the United States intend to be 100% open,” says Weeber. “It’s time to book your summer and fall travel.”

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