Leading With Safety

At Magellan Jets, the first of our core values is to lead with safety by maintaining an uncompromising commitment to excellence. When it comes to safety in private aviation, we know that service issues are strongly correlated to potential safety issues-so we’ve focused on three key performance metrics to elevate our service, because excellence in service equals excellence in safety. They are:

        1. 1. Schedule Stability

    2. Controllable On-Time Performance
    3. Trip Perfection Rating

These three metrics are the result of our strong safety culture and the world’s most comprehensive service and safety management and quality assurance system. We work with only the few operators in our Magellan Jets Preferred Network (MJPN) that are able to continuously meet our rigorous standards and execute on all three of these factors.

The MJPN is a highly-selective, accredited network of premier operators that are subjected to the most rigorous Service and Safety Quality Assurance system in aviation. Every flight is thoroughly vetted by the expert FAA-certified pilots in our Flight Support Department. To earn a spot in the MJPN, private jet operators have to meet rigorous standards for health, safety, and service, including our 42-point safety inspection checklist and our 5 X 5 PureSky Safety Standard. They must be in good standing with third-party organizations like ARG/US and Wyvern, and their core values and safety cultures must align with ours.

• Read more about the Magellan Jets Preferred Network

  1. Read on to learn why schedule stability, controllable on-time performance, and trip perfection rating are important, what you should ask your private aviation provider about them, and how Magellan Jets is uniquely positioned to keep you safe and create long-term value for your business by delivering on all three.


Schedule stability is measured as the percentage of flights where the schedule was completed exactly as planned-without delays, aircraft or crew changes, or changes in departure time or day.

While large network providers consider 18% schedule stability to be satisfactory, Magellan Jets has had 98% schedule stability over the past 12 months.

• 8 Questions to Ask Before You Hire A Private Jet Operator
When schedule stability is high, your flight experience will match your pre-planned itinerary exactly, and you will arrive at your destination on time with the crew and aircraft you wanted. You’ll have peace of mind knowing your needs are truly prioritized.

But when your provider cannot prioritize schedule stability, your personal and business goals are put at risk as you’re forced to adjust to last-minute changes. You may get frequent calls or confusing emails from your provider, or experience itinerary or booking errors, adding to your frustrations before your departure even takes place. Be sure to invest in a dependable private aviation company with a great schedule stability record, because low schedule stability will negatively impact your trip.

Ask your private jet provider:

– What is your schedule stability rating overall?
– What is your schedule stability rating on high-volume days?


Controllable on-time performance is measured as the percentage of flights that depart within 15 minutes of their planned departure time. 

Large network providers meet this goal 75% of the time; Magellan Jets has a controllable on-time performance rating of 97% over the past 12 months. 

• How To Avoid Mechanical Issues With A Guaranteed Back-Up And Recovery Plan

When controllable on-time performance is broadly defined and includes things your provider should anticipate, such as air traffic control and weather delays, your jet will be ready and waiting for you when you arrive at the private terminal. With the proper planning on your behalf by your private jet provider, the only factor that can’t be controlled is your timely arrival at the departure site. But when your provider does not take responsibility for the crucial factors that disrupt flight performance, you could be left waiting at the airport for your plane to arrive. 

Ask your private jet provider:

– What is your overall controllable on-time performance percentage?
– What is your controllable on-time performance during peak travel periods?
– What factors do you consider controllable?

Trip Perfection Rating

Our Trip Perfection Rating is the percentage of trips flown with zero issues whatsoever. Magellan Jets is the only provider in the private aviation space that is willing to measure this metric.

Large network providers will not measure this-but Magellan Jets can proudly say we have a Trip Perfection Rating of 90% over the past 12 months.

• 5 Keys To Evaluating Private Jet Companies

Some providers may report their on-time rate as a sign of perfection, but delays are only one factor that can leave you unsatisfied with your flight experience. Were all seats on your jet fully operational? Was your catering order complete? Were you advised before your flight if your aircraft had enough space for your luggage? Was there enough room for you and your guests to be comfortable on your jet for the length of the trip? Was your itinerary, customs, and COVID-19 containment paperwork prepared for you in advance? Was your ground transportation arranged perfectly? Make sure whoever you choose to provide your private aviation solutions has the experience, foresight, and capability to meet each and every one of your expectations, beyond simply executing your trip. Anyone can get you from point A to point B-but it’s how you get there that makes a difference.

Ask your private jet provider:

– Do you collect clients’ post-flight feedback, such as survey scores?
– What are some of the typical issues private flyers report with your company?

How does Magellan Jets manage such high ratings?

Since our business model strategically revolves around continuously auditing active aircraft, crews, and safety cultures available on the market, we’re able to focus entirely on finding the best solution to fit your needs for every flight. Simply put, our model gives us greater control over the desired outcome on each and every flight, ultimately resulting in higher satisfaction for you and your travel companions.

When it comes to quality assurance, our buying power surpasses other providers’ operational control. We’re constantly evaluating our operators, and won’t hesitate to remove any from the MJPN if they do not meet our elevated standards. In that way, we’re always optimizing our service and improving to ensure your safety, your success, and the integrity of your mission.

You’ve explored how Magellan Jets focuses on schedule stability, controllable on-time performance, and our very own Trip Perfection Rating to provide consistent, reliable, and excellent service with each and every private flight. Next, learn more about our relentless commitment to keeping our guests safe.

Explore Our Higher Safety Standard