Gulfstream announced on Friday that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted a type certificate for their new, ultra-long-range G650 business jet. This means the FAA has reviewed the flight test results, approved the manufacturing processes and materials, and allowed Gulfstream to build and sell the aircraft without restriction.
Savanna, GA based Gulfstream has taken orders for more than 200 aircraft and plans to deliver the first fully-fitted production model by year’s end. Speaking in a press release Gulfstream’s president Larry Flynn said, “The G650 is a superlative aircraft with the most technologically advanced flight deck in business aviation and the largest, most comfortable cabin in its class. In short, the G650 speaks to all that is good about business aviation: safety, security, flexibility, comfort, and capability.”
Among the advancements in the Gulfstream G650 is the PlaneConnect HTM system. This system monitors 10,000 parameters almost real-time and transmits the information to the aircraft’s maintenance department for up-to-date monitoring of vital avionics, engine, environmental, and other systems. It also powers the cutting-edge cockpit information system, PlaneView, to deliver timely, relevant information to the crew.
The PlaneView cockpit system represents the most advanced next-generation flight deck on the market. It brings together the most current instrumentation, like WAAS-LPV and FANS, with new communication systems such as controller-pilot datalink communications (CPDLC) and advanced, 3D weather radar to provide pilots with an unprecedented level of situational awareness.
The G650’s cabin, measuring 102″ wide by 77″ high, leaves ample room for customization. Customers can break the cabin up into several separate living spaces to make long flights with several passengers more comfortable. The advanced pressurization system keeps the cabin altitude below 4,000 feet at typical cruising altitudes, helping increase alertness while reducing stress and fatigue. With large windows, the G650 provides great views to go along with the smartly-outfitted interior. Features such as lighting, temperature, entertainment, and attendant call are controlled via iPod Touch remote controls for greater flexibility and ease of use.
You can plan to book Gulfstream G650 private charter flights early next year.
Read the full press release here.