In response to the coronavirus crisis, Magellan Jets continues to enact enhanced measures to ensure the health and safety of clients, crews and employees. We are uniquely positioned to match safe crews and aircraft with safe passengers, creating as close to a near-normal private travel experience as possible. Read our COVID-19 update for more information on how we’re keeping you safe.

Magellan Jets COVID-19 Update

covid-19 update

Magellan Jets 5 X 5 PureSky Safety System

Since the early days of the pandemic we have been utilizing the Magellan Jets 5 X 5 PureSky Safety System. To date, no passengers or crew members have been infected as a result of a trip arranged by Magellan Jets. This is due to the five common elements and five layers of safety that we focus on to ensure the safety of all of our guests and crew members. Click here to learn more about the PureSky Safety System.

How Magellan Jets Ensures Aircraft are Clean and COVID-19-Free

Magellan Jets has made several enhancements to its Service and Safety Management System. The results of the changes are two additional layers of safety specific to aircraft sanitation:

1. Aircraft crews are now subject to the requirements and advice set forth in a recent Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO 20009) issued by the FAA. In addition, Magellan Jets team members utilize new tools and procedures to verify that crew members are in compliance with their obligations under federal regulations. This is to ensure they are safe and free of the coronavirus before, during, and after reporting for duty. Overall, Magellan Jets consultants and operations team members have been assisting operators and crew members to meet their obligations through the use of additional quality checks and flight-by-flight audits of flight operations.

2. Magellan Jets ensures that each aircraft is cleaned according to CDC guidelines, including but not limited to:

•Routine operating procedures for cleaning aircraft, managing solid waste and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE)

•Enhanced cleaning procedures including:

-Cleaning of porous (soft) surfaces (i.e., cloth seats, cloth seat belts) at the seat of the passenger(s) and within six feet passenger(s) in all directions

-Cleaning of porous (soft) surfaces (i.e. seat covers and carpet) using appropriate cleaners that are compatible with aircraft surfaces and components in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions

-For items that can be laundered, use of the warm setting and dry items completely on high heat

-Cleaning of non-porous (hard) surfaces (i.e., leather or vinyl seats) at the seat of the passenger(s) and within six feet passenger(s) in all directions including: armrests, plastic and metal parts of the seats and seat backs, tray tables, seat belt latches, light and air controls, cabin crew call button, overhead compartment handles, adjacent walls, bulkheads, windows and window shades, as well as individual video monitors

-Cleaning of non-porous (hard) surfaces with disinfectant products with EPA-approved emerging viral pathogens claims that are expected to be effective against the virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and ensuring these products are compatible with aircraft surfaces and components

-All products are to be used according to label instructions (i.e., concentration, application method and contact time, PPE)

-Cleaning of lavatories used by passenger(s), including: door handle, locking device, toilet seat, faucet, washbasin, adjacent walls and counter

-Proper disposal of any items that cannot be cleaned (i.e., pillows, passenger safety placards and other similar items)

Although some states are beginning to reopen and minimize restrictions, Magellan Jets will continue to follow strict CDC guidelines. We are also continuing to ask FBOs and crew members to wear PPE. If FBO personnel don’t wear PPE, we ask that the PPE-wearing crew members handle all luggage and guest interactions

While guests may experience varying guidelines city-to-city, we’re maintaining consistent onboard aircraft procedures worldwide, as well as in and around FBOs. Additionally, all guests 18 and over are required to complete a health affidavit, however, for guests under 18, a parent or guardian must complete a separate section of the form for younger passengers.

covid-19 update

Keeping Crews Safe

When it comes to keeping crews safe, Magellan Jets has made further enhancements to its Service and Safety Management System. The results of the changes are three additional layers of safety:

1. Situational awareness is enhanced as a result of an up-to-the-minute dashboard that blends public and private data. This makes Magellan Jets aviation consultants and operations team members aware of specific restrictions to travel, enhanced travel requirements, impact to air traffic control and business aviation terminal services, and the situation on the ground in terms of the spread of the virus and the results of community efforts to contain the disease.

2. Magellan Jets aviation consultants and operations team members have been empowered with new tools and procedures to verify that crew members are in compliance with their obligations under federal regulations to ensure they are safe and free of the coronavirus before, during, and after reporting for duty, and that crews keep their aircraft sanitized and safe before and after each flight.

3. Magellan Jets members, clients and their guests are all subject to screening before they get to the airport, ensuring that crew members and business aviation personnel have no risk of exposure to a passenger that is a carrier of coronavirus.

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How Magellan Jets is Managing The COVID-19 Crisis

Magellan Jets maintains a detailed Emergency Response Plan (ERP) that is a written plan of action. Updated quarterly, the MJ-ERP is a scalable plan that covers all aspects of non-normal operations from fire-drills to natural disasters. The MJ-ERP took action according to the following timeline:

January 1: WHO activated the Incident Management Support Team. The Magellan Jets operations team began daily monitoring of the situation.

January 23: WHO reconvened the Emergency Committee. The Magellan Jets activated ERP-0 Information only and operations began daily briefings of the Magellan Jets team, began planning changes to the office environment, and developed work from home training modules for the Magellan Jets team.

January 29: The POTUS announces formation of task force to monitor and contain the virus. Magellan Jets activated ERP-1: Action required and modified office standards in accordance with CDC guidelines, continued daily briefings, and scheduled work from home training.

March 1: POTUS declares National Emergency, Magellan Jets moves to ERP-2: Business continuity. Daily briefings continued, enhanced communications with clients and vendors began, and testing of remote capabilities were initiated in anticipation of working remotely.

March 23: Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker issued emergency order requiring all businesses and organizations that do not provide “COVID-19 Essential Services” as of March 24 at noon. Magellan Jets begins working remotely, with three executives remaining at the 15,000 sq’ HQ to continue to execute the ERP.

March 24: Magellan Jets established a COVID-19 Task Force and begins daily communications with teams from the National Business Aviation Association, National Air Transportation Association, International Air Transportation Association, as well as the Federal Aviation Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization. Since then, Magellan Jets has been invited to join several industry task forces and conducted or participated in multiple industry training sessions and town halls related to establishing standards and implementing best practices to serve the public during the crisis.

Magellan Jets has continued to provide the highest levels of safety and service excellence by using technology to enable a remote workforce to execute standard practices alongside an active ERP, based on three simple core values that resonate inside our business and translate to superior performance:

1. We lead with safety by maintaining an uncompromising commitment to excellence

2. We care deeply by owning every issue and striving to constantly improve

3. We create amazing experiences by developing, cultivating, and sharing a prosperity mindset; we value memorable experiences that build trust and loyalty

Magellan Jets also understands that the very nature of the historic circumstances we find ourselves in requires an enhanced level of care for our colleagues. Since the escalation of our ERP to Level 2 – business continuity, we have taken several steps to enhance our Employee Assistance Program including the addition of multiple remote fitness options and a coaching-driven personal wellness and resilience program.

July 13: After months of working from home, the Magellan Jets team returned to our offices under the updated guidelines as outlined by Gov. Baker’s reopening plan. To further ensure the health and safety of our colleagues, we’ve instituted important new procedures such as having all employees and office guests fill out mandatory daily health check-in forms before entering our office. Additionally upon entry, all occupants must wear masks, wash their hands, as well as keep at least a 6-foot distance from colleagues. We’ve also doubled the space available, providing personalized work environments for every employee, in addition to using one-way lanes and touch-less hand sanitizer dispensers.

The same attention to detail we apply to emergency situations is the same level of service Magellan Jets members and guests have come to expect: A detailed written plan for success that is the basis of service execution, followed by the ongoing measurement of results and improvements to the plan.

In business aviation, no one needs to settle for a fraction of the service or tolerate high fees for events that are not directly related to safe and secure travel. It’s time to Elevate Expectations. It’s time to call Magellan Jets.