As the world prepares to get back to business, I can’t help but feel nostalgic over people safely working in offices again. It’s hard to replace that face-to-face interaction, getting the chance to chat with our favorite office buddies and learn from the colleagues around us. That’s why I’ve always been an advocate for these invaluable collaborative environments, where we grow together as businesses and people.
However, amid the coronavirus pandemic, I’m finding a silver lining while reflecting on the past few weeks. Like many others, I’m empathetic towards those transitioning to a work from home company environment. Although it may have taken some getting used to, it just may be the nudge some of us needed to finally start embracing the full capabilities of technology.
As a CEO, I thrive on learning and getting better in all aspects of life, and this situation has encouraged me to evolve in all sorts of ways. I’m reading and using technology more now than I ever have before. I hope we’re all adapting and rethinking how we use this technology to work remotely, whether that’s for training, hiring or just leading and creating a culture of success. Although it seems a bit like a crash course, I hope it’s making every CEO and leader better at adapting so they can be as efficient and effective as possible at what they do.
While adapting to the moment will be key for all us as we adjust to getting back to business, preparation is also important. Thankfully, even before the lockdown measures were enacted, Magellan Jets had prepared for the situation with our successful emergency response plan, which included a series of remote work trainings for our team. Despite the constant day-to-day changes, we haven’t wavered on delivering consistent excellence with each and every experience. Since safety and security have always been our first and highest priority, we established an expert safety task force to monitor the situation and ensure enhanced cleanliness measures, as well as providing you with the most up-to-date information. All of this has enabled us to provide essential travel for our clients, getting them where they’re needed safely.
As the coronavirus pandemic takes a toll on the economy, I am proud of the fact that we’ve also already prepared for this situation by taking recession-proofing measures years ago in order to weather the coming storm. While no one could have predicted this coronavirus situation, I’m very optimistic and believe Magellan Jets is very well suited for the future, serving the needs of individuals and businesses as we adjust to this new normal.
Looking back on the past few weeks, it couldn’t be clearer how important of a role private aviation plays, particularly for businesses. While there’s a misconception that private jets are just all glitz and glamor, that couldn’t be further from the truth. From emergency transportation missions to flying at-risk passengers, private aviation has provided safety and security for many in need. Additionally, it continues to prove itself as a critical tool for businesses.
Even prior to the crisis, our traditional clients have always been business-related, as we can fly to more than 5,000 airports, into areas commercial flights can’t go. These days, it’s even more difficult for executives and businesses to travel safely on commercial airlines, whether that’s for road shows, flying clients into company headquarters, or any of the number of situations that require a face-to-face visit. Private aviation solutions like jet cards are a needed and versatile tool for any companies’ travel toolbox.
While we remain ready to serve and are still conducting many essential travel missions each month, to be transparent, our overall demand has been down significantly since mid-March. Since flight volumes are depressed, we’ve needed to take other steps to adapt. We’ve made the extremely difficult decision to reduce our overall workforce by approximately 20%, a necessary move in order to align Magellan Jets’ business structure with the current market, as well as ensure our sustainability and future success.
Each day, we’re seeing the terrible toll the situation is taking on private aviation, as some well-known brands have ceased operations, while others are likely waiting approval for crucial loans or grants. However, applying what we learned during the 2008 financial crisis, Magellan Jets has never had any debt, focusing on reinvesting in our business.
From the onset, our stated goal was to build a business that could weather any economic condition while still providing exceptional service to our clients and members. Magellan Jets’ unmatched financial stability coupled with our superior products makes us industry leaders who can withstand the downturn caused by this pandemic.
As the world slowly and safely gets back to business, unfortunately, commercial airlines won’t be able to adapt as quickly to meet the immediate needs of companies in search of safe, essential travel. Private aviation will serve as the safe alternative, keeping the economy moving and getting you where you need to be without compromising your health.
As we look forward to traveling safely again, Magellan Jets is excited to partner with IYC Yachts to help you rediscover the world. Explore the air and sea with us, and take advantage of our exclusive offer, which you can find here.
Speaking of our exciting network, in honor of Earth Day, we’re also offering complimentary carbon offsets on all 50-hour memberships purchased throughout the second quarter of 2020 as part of our program through terrapass. Click here to learn more.
Additionally, this past month saw the passage of the CARES Act, which means all charter and jet card membership flights through the end of 2020 will be exempt of the 7.5% federal excise tax. Be sure to stay up-to-date on all the latest private aviation news with the Magellan Jets Podcast, now on Apple iTunes.
As we all get back to business again, be sure to book now if you’re interested in May or June travel, as demand for business aviation will be high, especially as commercial travel slowly gets back up and running. Call our Private Aviation Consultants today to learn more and secure your next trip.